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Are you ready to create a life that you love, that truly lights you up inside?



Do not worry, if you have missed the start of the course, all of the sessions are recorded, so you can catch up, then attend the rest live on the call.

 We will do a group reading/intention setting and then dive straight into the
A 6-week course of transformation and free


This is life-changing material, that will ignite that spark that is flickering deep within you, If you are feeling excited reading this, listen to your intuition, your soul is yearning for a change!

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Deep down you know that you need to make a change, you are meant for more, you have what it takes, you are ready for this!

Sometimes you just need a little nudge! and often the Universe helps with this, you didn’t find this course by accident, or coincidence, your soul desire led you here, right here, right now.

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if this feels intriguing/exciting/aligned.....
it's because it is! 

  • Are you tired of feeling stuck?

  • Have you had enough of settling for less than you deserve?

  • Are you fed up with feeling unfulfilled?

  • Do you let your fear of the unknown stop you from taking action?

  • Are you afraid of what the future brings?

  • Are you unclear on what you are doing and where you are going in your life?

  • Do you know deep down you are meant for more but just don’t know where to begin?

You KNOW YOU deserve so much more
& You are in the right place.

I know how it feels to feel stuck, afraid, helpless, and completely overwhelmed.


I know what it’s like to not know where to turn, or how to make the crucial changes you need to.


I understand how overwhelming this can be, and sometimes and sadly how deadly.


Years ago, my life reached a breaking point, nowhere to go, I could not get any lower. I had reached rock bottom.


I had let it get out of hand, I had lost all control of the situation, mentally physically emotionally, all of it. I didn’t know whom to turn to or how I could fix it, so it finally completely shattered…all of it.


Hospitalized, near death, and completely stripped of my dignity. I was laid bare, I had hit rock bottom.


The thing is with rock in bottom, once you get there, there is only one way …up!


And so I truly understand the importance of a sound calm mind and faithful heart.


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I learned the truth, the truth that I am able to handle anything in life, that I can do anything I set my mind to, that there is no situation too difficult that I can’t find a way through, that I am Worthy of abundance and to feel joy every single day of my life! and how to be in love with this whole process of existence!

I hear, you, I see you, I feel you.

And most importantly I want to help.

As I increased my Confidence, Belief and Self-love, My life did a 360 completely.

I started to put myself first instead of my fears.

I chose love over fear and pursued my passions!

I chose LOVE OVER LOGIC and enjoyed my life!

I moved house, started a new course, and attracted a whole new soul tribe of amazing people into my life.

My finances increased, my love life and relationships improved and most importantly my self-love skyrocketed!

My business blossomed.

I was free, to be me, unapologetically.

I took risks and they paid off, tremendously.

My confidence, at an all-time high, my self-belief was unrecognizable and my lust for life was immeasurable. I felt transformed, Grateful and Free.


  • You are Worthy

  • You are ENOUGH

  • You are Strong

  • You are Abundant

  • You are Special

  • You are Gifted

  • You are Everything and more!


Sometimes, we need a huge wake-up call before taking action, …why to wait that long? when you can start now.  Maybe you have tried something before to make a change, but it didn’t work out, it's all about timing and alignment.

The thing is, we need a good mix of the right person to guide us, a space where we feel heard and seen, the right tools to make it happen.

We will work on your intuition, confidence, self-love, and self-belief which will, in turn, propel you into the light, where you belong, where you deserve to shine as bright as you are meant to! you are sure to love, pure magic, sent here to earth to experience life within this human body to live a life of pure joy, abundance, and bliss. 


The goal here is to give you permission to shine!

The signposts to strive. Give you the tools to create, to step up, to rise above the lies and the fog, and to see the truth of who you are, why you are here, what makes you tick, what really matters to you, to help you to create a life that excites you, that truly lights you up. To help you to realize that you are everything and everything is perfect.

You are capable of achieving anything you set your mind to. To help you to know, to feel, to believe that you can, you will, you are. You are a magical soul, sent here to love, to experience, joy, and to create!

what will happen after the course?

You will most definitely see and most importantly feel the changes in all areas of your life; Relationships, work, business, social, spiritual, emotional, everything!

here's what my previous clients saying....... 

I’m pretty sure that if you have read this far then you will not relate to any of these statements!

Let me remind you of one important truth: You can do anything that you decide you can do, in this life, in this universe, you are limitless!


During these magical 6 weeks, you can expect miracles to start to show up in your life, you can expect to feel like you had been re-born into a more excited, passionate, joyful, confident version of yourself!

You can expect fun, laughter, honesty, help, transformation, and to be seen and heard throughout. You will see all areas of your life improve, perhaps not how you would expect., but certainly a huge improvement. 

how do you know that this 6-week transformational course is the right for you? 

It is right for you if:
You know that you have more to offer this world
You know you want to do more, see more, be more, feel more.
You know that you have the potential to do what your soul yearns for.
You may be fearful but you want to make a change, you are ready for this.
You are ready to accept the help and support and love you need and deserve.


This is not right for you if:

You choose to live in a state of victim mode and you enjoy that mentality.

You love to complain but are not prepared to do anything productive

to change the situation. 

You are a serial pessimist. 



This Powerful Creators Course is now open! 

We would love to have you join us on this life-changing magical journey!

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